Lily Elle & Owen David

Monday, October 13, 2008

Thursday October 9th, 2008

So since our computer “crashed” and I think I’ve lost EVERYTHING I wrote in Lily’s journal since she was born I’ve been avoiding writing anything else. It just reminds me of all I’ve lost. So anyway, I’m getting back on the horse … and this time I'm posting it to a blog so that there's no chance of losing it. So here goes... hopefully the past 2 1/2 years will be updated at some point when we retrieve all our lost information.

Today we went to preschool for the 3rd time, it’s Mommy and Me so I go with her. She just loves it, playing, painting, reading books, singing. She comes home with a craft after every class and she’s so proud of them all. After class we had errands to do and we had daddy’s Ipod in the car so she listened to Marilyn Manson (Personal Jesus was a fave) and the Doors. Hey, new genre’s of music can’t hurt, you can only do Laurie Berkner so many times. J She makes me laugh banging her head and playing the drums on her knees, she even did the cymbals to the Ohio State Marching Band song today. Haha.

I’m now 26 weeks preggo and getting bigger and bigger. Lily changes her mind as to whether it’s a brother or sister every day but the names (her choices) are Emma and Brian. Hey, at least she can make a decision, that’s more than can be said for us! The baby is moving a LOT these days. Sometimes feels like it’s fighting to get out. I can see my stomach moving at night when I’m still, it’s still just as weird as the first time around. Getting more anxious to know what it is but I’ll wait… I promise.


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