Lily Elle & Owen David

Monday, October 13, 2008

Monday October 13th, 2008

Today is DAY 6 and only one accident!!!! No we’re not teaching her how to drive; we’re navigating the unknown world of potty training. We’ve been on this road since the end of July with no great success until now. I never thought I’d be so thrilled about pee and poop, pretty sad really.

We’d had a rough couple of weeks culminating in last Monday which just seemed to be a pee party around here. Accident, after accident, after accident, 4 of them before noontime, I was at my wits end. So, I decided no more Pull Ups, thanks Pampers, they’re a great invention but when Lily says “I went peepee but it’s my Dora underwear so it’s OK” it’s obvious she’s got our number. So, big girl princess underwear all the way and I’ll deal with the accidents as they come, in house or out.

One accident on Tuesday and nothing since then… by the way it’s now NEXT Monday! By jove, I think we’ve got it!! Yes, we’re dragging a potty around in the car and throwing her on it whenever the mood strikes, even in the mall parking lot with someone waiting for my spot. But they can wait… we’re winning the potty battle!!!

So, with all our potty success I bravely called Goddard today to enroll her in preschool for January. She has to be three, which is not something we have control over, and potty trained. January 5th she starts, what a big step in her little life, I’m so excited for her.


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