Lily Elle & Owen David

Saturday, January 09, 2010


Where does the time go?? It's already 2010, Christmas is over, Owen has been baptized, Lily is 4, and I haven't posted anything since October! Shame on me. Anyway, here goes...

Lily celebrated her 4th birthday in Massachusetts with a dinner at the Rainforest Cafe (which she absolutely hated) and cake back at Nana and Grandad's house (which she loved of course). She got some great gifts including a lot of games, Barbie stuff, Polly Pockets and a Tag reading system. She is so grown up I just can't believe it sometimes, the words that come out of her mouth. She is talking a lot about her feelings, I think Lil Bears teaches that a lot, "I feel so angry" is much better than just hitting me or Owen or anything else I guess. :) She is just a wonderful big sister, she entertains Owen a lot and likes the built in captive audience. We're trying to teach her that it's not her playroom anymore and that Owen is going to be taking over half of it very soon. She's a big help for me, getting diapers, even feeding him sometimes, and she loves every minute of it.

Owen was baptized on November 22nd, Robert and Kelly are his godparents and now officially members of our family. We had a lovely day, everyone came to St. Joseph's for the ceremony and then to the Pinkerton Tavern in Derry for the brunch following. It was a beautiful day and everything was great. Owen is a very lucky boy to be surrounded by such great family and friends. Mamie and Papa and Auntie Traci flew in for the occasion. Nana and Grandad put up with us at their house for 9 days, and we're quite a large group now!

Thanksgiving was quiet but nice, just the 6 of us on Fox Run Road, just like old times. Auntie MK and Bobby came by later and then Uncle Justin stopped in while he was working. Owen had his first Thanksgiving dinner and both he and Lily wore their special thanksgiving hats, Lily had made hers at school this year. We finally decided to drive home on Monday the 30th, 12 hours in a car with two kids feels like a week and a half, won't be doing that again for a while!


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