Lily Elle & Owen David

Monday, October 20, 2008

Saturday October 18th, 2008

Papa and Auntie Traci went to watch Lily's swim class today. It was her final class in the first session of "Preschool" swimming and guess what.... she graduated!! Steve couldn't believe it, after only 6 classes she's graduated to "Advanced Preschool" which means she can swim with a kick board and back-float for a couple of seconds. She's a little fishy and we're so proud of her. :)

October 20th, 2008

Yesterday Mamie, Papa & Auntie Traci left after a nice visit over the weekend. They drove from Tennessee to see us and spent a few days hanging out with Lily. She put on quite a show for them singing and dancing of course, what an entertainer. :)

We went apple picking on Friday and Lily helped Mamie bake a cake with help from the whole family. Lily stirred and drizzled and ate as much coffee cake as she could fit in her little tummy. Mamie and Papa were surprised by how much she had grown, it had been almost a year since they had seen her, and boy has she changed in that time. They spent a lot of time just hanging out with her, listening to her stories, reading books and playing with every toy that she dragged out of the playroom.

Traci's birthday was Friday so we went out for a birthday dinner which was nice. Lily shared Traci's birthday ice cream with her and "Auntie" was happy to do so. We were sad to say bye bye but it won't be too long until the new little one comes along and they'll be back to visit again.

October 17th, 2008

Yesterday we went to the PTA Fall Festival and what a great time we had! Lily did crafts, ate s'mores and danced the night away with all her friends. She followed Kate around like a shadow and danced with Emma (when she catch her). The hayride was the "hay-iest" one we had ever been on, they let the kids throw the hay at the other hayrides as we went by, what fun!

Halloween is a great time of year for kids, actually fall in general is quite busy with apple picking, pumpkin patches and halloween parties. I actually made a couple of apple coffee cakes and apple bread FROM SCRATCH yesterday. Am I nesting?????

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Wednesday, October 15th 2008

Adenoids!!! What are they and why do we need them? Never thought I'd be Googling this but Lily's having such trouble with hers. We were at the doctors again yesterday for another fever and we're still waiting for her ENT appt on the 29th. This time they gave her a breathing treatment, she did great of course, and I actually caught the moment with my camera phone. You'll never see the picture of course because I don't know how to get it off the phone... but it's there if I want to look at it. :)

Anyway, she's now got an inhaler and an appt with the Allergist next week. I thought I did all I could (breastfeeding) to prevent her from getting my "stuff" and I thought it had worked! Now maybe not. Poor kid, she must be sick of being sick. Anyway, we'll see what comes up over the next couple of weeks, hopefully it's those elusive adenoids causing the whole thing and we can whip 'em out and be done with it, ear fluid and all!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Monday October 13th, 2008

Today is DAY 6 and only one accident!!!! No we’re not teaching her how to drive; we’re navigating the unknown world of potty training. We’ve been on this road since the end of July with no great success until now. I never thought I’d be so thrilled about pee and poop, pretty sad really.

We’d had a rough couple of weeks culminating in last Monday which just seemed to be a pee party around here. Accident, after accident, after accident, 4 of them before noontime, I was at my wits end. So, I decided no more Pull Ups, thanks Pampers, they’re a great invention but when Lily says “I went peepee but it’s my Dora underwear so it’s OK” it’s obvious she’s got our number. So, big girl princess underwear all the way and I’ll deal with the accidents as they come, in house or out.

One accident on Tuesday and nothing since then… by the way it’s now NEXT Monday! By jove, I think we’ve got it!! Yes, we’re dragging a potty around in the car and throwing her on it whenever the mood strikes, even in the mall parking lot with someone waiting for my spot. But they can wait… we’re winning the potty battle!!!

So, with all our potty success I bravely called Goddard today to enroll her in preschool for January. She has to be three, which is not something we have control over, and potty trained. January 5th she starts, what a big step in her little life, I’m so excited for her.

Thursday October 9th, 2008

So since our computer “crashed” and I think I’ve lost EVERYTHING I wrote in Lily’s journal since she was born I’ve been avoiding writing anything else. It just reminds me of all I’ve lost. So anyway, I’m getting back on the horse … and this time I'm posting it to a blog so that there's no chance of losing it. So here goes... hopefully the past 2 1/2 years will be updated at some point when we retrieve all our lost information.

Today we went to preschool for the 3rd time, it’s Mommy and Me so I go with her. She just loves it, playing, painting, reading books, singing. She comes home with a craft after every class and she’s so proud of them all. After class we had errands to do and we had daddy’s Ipod in the car so she listened to Marilyn Manson (Personal Jesus was a fave) and the Doors. Hey, new genre’s of music can’t hurt, you can only do Laurie Berkner so many times. J She makes me laugh banging her head and playing the drums on her knees, she even did the cymbals to the Ohio State Marching Band song today. Haha.

I’m now 26 weeks preggo and getting bigger and bigger. Lily changes her mind as to whether it’s a brother or sister every day but the names (her choices) are Emma and Brian. Hey, at least she can make a decision, that’s more than can be said for us! The baby is moving a LOT these days. Sometimes feels like it’s fighting to get out. I can see my stomach moving at night when I’m still, it’s still just as weird as the first time around. Getting more anxious to know what it is but I’ll wait… I promise.